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Welcome to our final quarterly newsletter for 2023

While most of us contribute to our super to set ourselves up financially for retirement, have you thought about planning for the type of lifestyle you'd like to live as well? Discover ways to make the 'lifestyle' transition to retirement a little easier. 

Changes to the general superannuation transfer balance were increased on 1 July 2023. Find out more about these changes and how they may affect you.

Next, we explore why Australians need a confidence boost when it comes to planning for retirement. The sooner you start planning, the more confident you could be in retirement.

Choosing aged care residential accommodation is expected to become a little easier thanks to a new star rating system.

Planning for a holiday is exciting but with the current cost of living, planning a long expensive holiday may not be possible. We’ve provided a few ways that could allow you to travel without breaking the bank.

We love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact us with any questions about our articles in this newsletter on 07 4124 2216 or email

Kind regards,

Life Stages Financial Strategies

Sowing the seeds for a happy retirement

The adage “have something to retire to” is good advice to make for a happy retirement - and a joy-filled life today. Read full article >>

Transfer balance cap set to increase to $1.9 million

We give you a brief overview of what’s happening and where to go for more info. Read full article >>

Australians need a retirement confidence boost

Giving Australians better access to high-quality and more affordable financial advice is imperative. Read full article >>

Star ratings for Aged Care help make family choices easier

Choosing aged care residential accommodation is expected to become a little easier thanks to a new star rating system. Read full article >>

Travel on a shoestring

There is a big wide world out there just waiting for you explore so don’t miss out just because you’re watching your budget. Read full article >>